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澳博官方网站app Opens First Retail Branch in Greater Washington, Announces Higher Local Wages and New Community Investments

First six branches to open and 80 employees hired by Year End.

$1.6 million philanthropic investment to help with job training, 经济适用房, financial health and minority and women-owned small business.

Local wages for branch employees increase to no less than $18/hour.

澳博官方网站app今天宣布其在大华盛顿特区的第一家分行隆重开业.C. 并进行了几项新的投资,以促进该地区的经济和工资增长.

今年早些时候, the firm announced it would open 70 new branches, 招聘700名新员工, 承诺40亿美元用于地区家庭和小企业贷款,5亿美元用于可负担租赁住房,2500万美元用于慈善事业,以推动包容性的地区经济增长.

Specifically, today, the firm is:

  • 在华盛顿特区的麦克弗森广场开设了大华盛顿地区的第一家零售分店.C., offering a sneak peak of the new Anacostia location to community partners, and said it will open a total of six new branches by the end of the year,
  • 赚1美元.600万的慈善投资用于支持该地区服务不足的地区,
  • Hiring 80 new employees by the end of the year, and
  • Increasing local wages to no less than $18/hour, up from $16.50个/小时.

“Greater Washington is a great place to live and do business. We’re incredibly excited to open our first branch in the region,” 彼得·谢尔, 中大西洋地区主席和企业责任全球主管, 澳博官方网站app. “As the region continues its extraordinary growth, 我们希望在为更多的人创造经济机会方面发挥我们的作用.”

Greater Washington Branch Openings

By the end of the 2018, 大通将在纽约大道西北1401号(麦克弗森广场)等6个地点开设分行。, 2200 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue SE (Anacostia), 3100 14th Street NW (Columbia Heights), 3900 Minnesota Avenue NE (Ward 7/Benning), 1111 New Jersey Avenue SE (Navy Yard/Capital Riverfront), and 2825 Wilson Blvd (Clarendon) in Arlington.

至少20%的大通新分行将建在包括Wards 7在内的中低收入社区 & 8在华盛顿特区.C., Prince George’s County, and neighborhoods in Baltimore.

Supporting the Community and Employees

Each new Greater Washington branch will employ seven to nine employees, 包括银行家, tellers and branch managers.  Entry-level employees in each branches will be paid no less than $18.00/hour and will receive the firm’s full benefits package, which is valued at an average of $12,000 annually per employee in this pay range. It includes health care coverage and retirement savings, as well. To help ease the burden of out-of-pocket medical expenses, 该公司最近还为年收入低于60美元的员工减少了每年750美元的医疗计划免赔额,000.

“我们很自豪我们的分支机构现在是大华盛顿社区的一部分, such an important region in the country, and to be able to help more of our customers here,” Thasunda Brown Duckett, CEO of 追逐 Consumer Banking. “Our branches are all about people, from our customers to our employees. 我们设计这些新分支机构是为了反映它们所服务的社区.”

To help design and build the new branches, 澳博官方网站app partnered with local, 以社区为基础的供应商和小型企业,以确保参与各种各样的供应商. 

另外, the firm teamed up with Arts on the Block, a nonprofit that works with middle and high school youth, to create works of art inspired by local neighborhoods. Built through a series of mosaic tiles, 这些艺术学徒在本宁的三个新分馆内外创作并安装了壁画, 阿纳科斯蒂亚和肖. Gaining real world design experience throughout the process, 学徒们与当地社区成员会面,探索丰富的历史, 每个社区的多样性和文化意义为每个空间提出了独特的设计模式.


Investing in Economic Opportunity

澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)将投资2500万美元,推动更具包容性的地区增长. Specifically, as part of the $1.6 million philanthropic investment announced today, 该公司将帮助人们发展所需的技能,以确保有需求的工作, help minority-owned businesses expand, revitalize neighborhoods and improving consumer financial health.

  • Washington Area Community Investment Fund (WACIF) ($200,000): As part of its ASCEND Capital Accelerator 2.WACIF将向18至22家建筑业的少数民族和妇女拥有的中小型企业提供技术援助和量身定制的贷款产品,以协助发展新业务. 
  • Urban Ed ($150,000/1 year): 城市, 位于阿纳科斯蒂亚, will provide approximately sixty participants with career coaching, technical training in IT and cybersecurity, as well as job placement to STEMAcad students in Ward 7 & 8在华盛顿特区.C. 
  • Capital 影响 Partners (CIP) ($75,000/6 months): CIP将制定一个多年计划,为大华盛顿地区的少数族裔小企业主提供资金和能力建设奠定基础. 
  • Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. ($ 200,000 / 2年): 该倡议与宗教团体合作,通过开发创造或保留250套经济适用房, organizational capacity building and one-on-one technical assistance. Working in LMI communities, 该组织致力于消除获得负担得起的住房的障碍,并提高有需要的人的总体成果.
  • 华盛顿特区拉丁裔经济发展公司(LEDC)(20万美元/年):   作为ASCEND 2020团队的一部分,LEDC将为7区和8区商业走廊内的大约20家小企业提供技术援助和资金渠道. 该支持旨在保护LMI企业主免受因7区和8区开发而流离失所的影响.
  • 非营利性住房和经济发展联盟(CNHED)(717,000美元/2年): CNHED的三个独立承诺旨在通过市长房东基金将LMI居民与经济和负担得起的住房机会联系起来, 其中包括与总部位于休斯顿的支持性住房公司(12美元,此外,还与大学和医院合作,提高它们与少数族裔拥有的公司签订合同和聘用的比率.
  • 领导优势 ($50,000): 澳博官方网站app offered the firm’s in-house leadership training, 领导优势, 作为加强非营利组织能力的更广泛努力的一部分. 华盛顿特区.C. is the second city, after Chicago, to pilot the program.

“当我们为居民提供获得高薪工作所需的技能和机会时, 我们减少了他们离开他们想要居住的社区的可能性,” 洛葛仙妮J. Williams, President, 城市. “As 澳博官方网站app grows in the Greater Washington region, it’s good to know they want the whole community to grow with them, 我很自豪能与他们合作,帮助在7区培养一支更强大、更好的员工队伍 & 8.”

Commitment to Greater Washington


澳博官方网站app currently serves more than 2 million consumers and over 70,000 business clients in Greater Washington. 除了为当地客户提供其屡获殊荣的银行服务外,还支持就业和当地经济增长, 澳博官方网站app将尽其最大的商业和慈善努力,推动包容性增长,并为更多的地区居民创造机会.



澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services Firm with assets of $3.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, 商业银行, financial transaction processing, 资产管理. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 澳博官方网站app & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands.

斯蒂芬妮·波什, 斯蒂芬妮.A.Bosh@jpmorgan.com

伊丽莎白·西摩 伊丽莎白.C.Seymour@jpmorgan.com